Homes are the best investments for you and your kids

A family home is the starting point for any financial plan. It is also a fundamental part of a happy lifestyle – like your home, like your homelife, as they say. Over the next month, we will be showing you ways to get the most out of home ownership – both for yourself and for other people you might be worried about, like your adult kids. This article sets the scene.

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Business Owners and Deductible Overseas and Interstate Travel

This article is a must-read for any business owner thinking about travel. Claiming a tax deduction for travel costs can make a huge difference to the effective cost of that travel. The Australian Taxation Office’s general position is that the cost of travel is tax deductible to the extent that the travel relates to the business’ purpose of deriving assessable income from an existing business activity. A business can’t claim costs for travel related to speculative business activities that you have not yet entered. But travel that relates to work that your business is already doing will usually be fine.

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Tax Deductible On-Site Meals for Business Owners

Here is a great little tip to keep in mind for 2017. Most businesses owners work long or irregular hours and usually eat at least one meal a day at work. Provided it uses a company or trust, a business can often claim a tax deduction for meals that are eaten at work. Just make sure you eat your meal on site and do not serve alcohol with the meal.

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